Welcome to the Beyond Margins website!
It's been a year since the only connection we’ve had with individuals who don't live under the same roof as ours, is through our screens. Given that the physical world was unsafe, we could only find strength in our separation and unity in the virtual world. Stuck inside with a pandemic raging, we sought solace in a multitude of things and for us, it was Economics. Our time at Sophia opened our eyes to the sheer richness and diversity of the discipline. We yearned to delve deeper into the subject, to chart beyond our syllabi, but even with the world of information being a left click away, we were unsatisfied. We thus wanted to develop an online community for those who, like us, are passionate about economics and want to share and learn more about it, a dynamic and collaborative network for fellow enthusiasts.
And so, Beyond Margins was born.
Beyond Margins is an editorial venture under Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai. It is bifurcated into two parts - a website (you’re here now!) and an annually published research journal (coming soon!). We have created Beyond Margins as an open website and journal for undergraduates around India to share knowledge and collaborate on developing smart dialogue, and different perspectives in the field of Economics. We also look forward to contributions from fellow students studying across the country, allowing for a myriad of viewpoints on these platforms.
We look forward to providing a fact-based, creative forum that dives into a diverse range of topics. Our first publications by the editorial team reflect just that. “The Emitting Pipeline in Academia: Women in Economics” brings to light the lack of women studying economics, something we believe is fitting coming from a team of women pursuing economics in academia. “The Environmental Externalities of NFTs” and “Space Battle: Billionaire vs Billionaire” discuss different aspects of two topics that are currently being brought up in popular media - Non-Fungible Tokens and Billionaires. Though a plethora of discussions about the former surround its profitability and of the latter dispute it’s ethics, our writers delve into aspects that are less talked about in mainstream media. And lastly our fourth launch article “Bad Sleep, Bad GDP” details the common phenomenon of social jetlags and talks about its economic impacts.
We named this venture Beyond Margins as a play on consumers thinking “at the margin” but our belief lies in its euphemism for what we are trying to achieve. We wish to not restrict ourselves to small increments or margins as we are looking forward to making big changes, and transcending boundaries.
Lastly, but most importantly, we’d like to thank Sophia College’s Department of Economics, namely Dr. Sangeeta Dubey, Dr. Sunita Jadhav and Ms. Nisha Yadav who took us under their wing and supported us every step of the way. We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Anagha Tendulkar, the Vice Principal of Administration for showing faith in us. We extend our sincere gratitude to our honorable principal, Dr. (Sr.) Ananda Amritmahal, for making Sophia a place that nurtures students like us to freely create and grow.
A huge thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to the Beyond Margins team. Thank you for believing in our little idea and joining us at the nascent stages. We love you and we couldn't have done this without you.
We are excited to share with you the things to come, so stay updated and sign up to our newsletter and follow us on our social media accounts!
With love,
Mayuri and Tanishq.
The views published in this article are those of the individual author/s and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the team behind Beyond Margins, or the Department of Economics of Sophia College (Autonomous), or Sophia College (Autonomous) in general.