Contribution Guidelines
For submitting, kindly adhere to the following guidelines.
What do we mean by contributions?
Contributions refer to original articles relevant to the field of Economics and Finance that will be published on the Beyond Margins website. The work submitted should be editorial articles only. Research papers/fictional stories/poetry/photography are not valid submissions for the website. Everyone regardless of their nationality, educational institution, field of study, or educational qualification is eligible to submit their articles.


All submissions are to be sent to submissions.beyondmargins@gmail.com in the following format :
The subject of the email should be : “Submission for Beyond Margins website”
The email body should also include :
Current Educational Institution, degree along with your year of education. For example:- ABC college, Bachelor of Arts, First year Jr. College (if applicable) :
Current Profession (only applicable for full time employees) :
Article title :
Summary of the article (in less than 100 words) :

Writing guidelines:
The word limit of your article should be no less than 700 and no more than 1000 words.
Attach your article to the mail as a word document only.
An exhaustive list of sources is compulsory. We use the APA (latest edition) style of referencing, without any accompanying footnotes. Here is an example:
David, P. A. (1985). Clio and the Economics of QWERTY. The American Economic Review, 75(2), 332-337.


Writing guidelines (contd.)
All quotations are to be inserted within double inverted commas and cited in the format suggested below: “I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” (Fitzgerald, 1925).
On citing a report which does not have a particular author, but is written by an organisation, institute or group, their name is written in place of the author. Eg- (Kelkar Committee, 2018) or (Reserve Bank of India, 2021).
No more than two levels of headings should be used.
Kindly attach tables and figures separately to the mail if they accompany your article (in .jpg format). Credits to your picture attachments are required, along with links to the same.
All work submitted has to be original and previously unpublished.

You will hear from our Editorial Team a week after you submit your work. Your article will be published on the website within 30 days after receiving the acceptance email.
Kindly note that your article will be subject to changes and edits as the Editorial team deems appropriate, before publication, the modified version will be provided to you for final approval.
No monetary compensation will be provided for your article.
If you have any queries, please reach out to us at- submissions.beyondmargins@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing your work!